Prof. Mohamed Abdel Rahman M. Moustafa

Prof. Mohamed Abdel Rahman M. Moustafa

Emeritus Professor


Degree Field Uni and Faculty Date
Ph.D Construction of YieldLoci Curves of Cold Up-settingSteels Instituteof Mechanical Metallurgy,UniversityofClausthal, West Germany 1983 -1989
M.Sc Grain Refinement ofAl-MgAlloys Faculty of Engineering, Cairo Univ., Egypt. 1978-1982
Dipl. Eng. PlasticDeformation ofAl-BaseAlloys El- TabbinInst. forMetallurgical Studies, Egypt. 1976-1978
B.Sc Metallurgical Faculty of Petroleum and MiningEng , SuezCanal Univ , Egypt. 1969-1974

Work Experience

Heat treatment of Steel and its alloys
Heat treatment of Aluminum and its alloys
Heat treatment of Copper and its alloys
Metals Cutting
Workshop of metals management
Non-ferrous products standardization

Research Iterest

Aluminum and its alloys
Copper and its alloys
Wear resistance of non-ferrous alloys
Microstructures of non-ferrous alloys


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